Emerick Ashiir

Crystal. Diabolos. EST.

21+ IC and OOC - Wu/T - M/Rp

Rules & OOC

  1. RP =/= Real Life. Emerick's words and actions are not my own and the content of our writing should not bleed into our OOC interactions.

  2. Absolutely 18+ only for both characters and writers. I have no interest in roleplaying or interacting with minors. No Exceptions.

  3. I am wholly against metagaming in every regard, I respect your agency and ask for the same in return.

  4. Emerick, like all great characters, is always a work in progress. I'm always open to new connections, hooks, and plot ideas for both short and longterm

  5. Comfort is always my chief concern; I want all interactions to be fun, enjoyable, and entertaining, and I'm happy for Emerick to swing in and disrupt weirdos if they're bugging you!

  6. A lot of Emerick's story has been left out or surmised here, please don't hesitate to dm me if you have questions!!

OOC. 27. He/They.Though I live in EST, my sleep schedule is all over the place. I'm certainly amenable to moving ongoing threads to Discord if that is easier.Discord to be given out depending on interactions. Can never be too careful these days!!


  Name   Emerick Ashiir.
  Age   111 Summers.
  Birthday / Nameday   Best Forgotten.
  Gender   Cis-Male.
  Pronouns   He/Him.
  Sexuality   Poly-Pansexual.
  Height   6'1".
  Weight   Slim and Toned. Never really weighs himself because "how do I do that?".
  Hair color   Auburn with streaks of white.
  Eye color   Amber.
  Skin tone   On the paler side.
  Notable features   Most of his upper torso is covered in an intricate black and crimson tattoo (seen in pictures). Likewise his upper body has countless faded scars. An acute eye would notice that beneath the tapestry on most of his left arm the skin sports a very old burn wound.  Job Occupation   Enjoying life as a travelling vagabond. Occasionally moonlights as a Bard when the fancy suits him.
  Place of Origin    Though born at the base of the Skatay Mountain Range, he was raised in the heart of the Golmore Jungle.
  Home   Has a home in Ul'dah, a Guildhall in Ishgard, an Apartment in Kugane, and an office in Gridania. The Boy is on the Move.
Former Captain of the Northwest Consortium, a subsidiary of the Hakugawa Family.
Owner of 'Greenleaf Importers' in Gridania.Chairman of the Viridian Accord, a newly established Yakuza Clan in Kugane.  Family   None surviving that he knows.
  Marital status   Not Married.

  Personality   Though old by the standards of the shorter lived races, Emerick is still on the younger side by Veena standards. Though much of the early decades of his life were molded by hatred, loathing, and loss, he seems to have turned a corner, and tries to make up for all that he missed.To know Emerick is to know the many sides of a die. He can be extroverted, energetic, and humorous just as often as he can be quiet and observing. Humor seems to be a defining trait that one must expect of the Veena, for though he merely moonlights as a Bard, the profession comes to him almost naturally. To those that get to know him closely, they find that despite the rough and imposing exterior, he is little more than a golden retriever, filled with energy.Emerick is dynamic, though he is fiercely loyal and dependent to those he cares about. Despite his age, he tries only to give advice when he deems it useful; to him, long-life has been a curse, and he never believes he knows better than another simply because he has seen more passages of seasons.

  Brief Background (Extremely Surmised)  
Emerick was born in the Golmore Jungle. Though not his given name, 'Emerick' is the third name he has adopted, and the only one he reveals to all but the most important people in his life. His first memory in Golmore is the sight of his dying mother, cut down before him by Dalmascan Loggers that managed to evade the Wood-Warders and penetrate the Jungle.
Hatred defined his early years, eventually leading a group of similarly-minded friends away from their clan, forming what was to be known as the Var'Ashiir. As its leader, Emerick led them against a small village of Dalmascans, leaving Golmore Jungle; the first mistake of his life. The attack was a massacre, and Emerick was saved only due to the aid of an older Veena that broke the Green Word for him.Once recovered, Emerick spent decades in the Older Veena's company, eventually serving as a Wood-Warder until the older Veena passed. Having nothing left, he left Golmore for good, becoming an assassin as a way to channel his hatred. Eventually he made the second biggest mistake of his life, and became a pawn of a Yakuza clan called The Hakugawa Family.Emerick spent 34 years in the clan, eventually captaining his own subsidiary before leaving in his 91st Summer. After that he spent the next decade bouncing between Gridania, Ishgard, and Ul'dah, opening a small Import/Export Business in Gridania. In the present day, the 111 Year Old Veena is constantly on the move, looking out for opportunities and connection, wanting to make up for all that he lost in the decades of his life spent consumed by anger.

Hooks & Plots

(Common) One More Song!
In recent years Emerick has been moonlighting as a Bard, travelling the many taverns and cabarets of Eorzea where he plucks the strings of both lute and heart. Perhaps you were enraptured by the curious Veena whose skin belies a life of adventures far different than the aloof and voracious conqeusts of a Bard.
(Common) Lord of the Greenleaf
Nestled off a quiet road in Gridania stands a quaint two-storied building. 'Greenleaf Imports and Exports' the sign says. The staff, though remarkably friendly, all stand out from the common crowd. So many tattoos and faces, the enterprise makes for a curious sight! Though if you ask any of them, it is 'Master Ashiir' to whom all questions and business inquiries should be directed.
(Common) An Adaptable Picture
I adore writing long-term plots, arcs, and stories. Emerick is constantly a work in progress, and I'm always happy to mold him towards any ideas that you might have in mind! If something sprung to mind whilst reading his carrd, reach out to me! I'm beyond certain that we can make something that is both fun and special for development!! :)
(Uncommon) Son of the Hakugawa
There exists in Kugane a Yakuza Clan simply called 'the Hakugawa Family'. Though he joined the family some 60 years ago, Emerick was a relatively high ranked member of the family, eventually captaining his own subsidiary. Those well-versed in the criminal world of Kugane might have heard of him.
(Uncommon) Bane of Dalmasca
After leaving the Golmore Jungle some 60 years ago, Emerick plied his trade as an assassin in the East. Fueled by hatred and rage, and not knowing what else to do, he took almost any contract that came his way, especially if they were targeting Dalmascans. Though his frenzy has cooled, perhaps you came to know Emerick in this rough period, whether as friends, or foes.
(Uncommon) Road Goes Ever On
As suggested by a great many of his hooks and backstory, Emerick has lived a... less than ideal life. The shadows of his past loom long, and he is instilled with a great measure of self-loathing from it. Despite it all, he has tried to change his life for the better. Perhaps you are in need of such guidance, or have helped him in the past?
(Rare) The Viridian Chairman
After a recent incident which saw his airship shot out of the sky, Emerick has begun the creation of his own Yakuza clan, simply called 'The Viridian Accord'. Whispers in Kugane have begun to swirl regarding the infamous face behind the 'Night of the 34' returning to the city, with a plethora of business opportunities.
(Rare) The Var'Ashiir
Having lost his mother to Dalmascan's, Emerick formed a group of similarly-fated friends who, upon being of age, left the clan and staked survival on their own. Perhaps rumour has spread of them, and their wretched downfall, or perhaps you knew Emerick from these days, back when his face was younger yet more hardened, and his name was far, far different than that which he claims.